Thursday, July 30

im loving it!
wawa is loving facebook more and more.

not because i can load pictures,
not because be a farmer or a gambler,
simply because facebook has the ability to search back my long lost friends.
and im loving it! (:

most amazing two,
will be my primary school friend, Caleb and
my seconday school friend mate, ah JIE! (:

its simply touching how they remembers me even though we hardly speak back in the school time.
we are like communicate 100times more now,
compared to those days back then.
it seems so strangerly, but familiarly at the same time.
well, im still loving it.
and can't stop loving it.

words simply cant express how i feel now,
thank you facebook! (:

of cos,
thank you guys forremembering how i look like,
and took the extra initiative to add me. (:

wawa is a happy girl.
yeay!! *winks*

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