Wednesday, September 15

Hey guys,

Tho i know no one is curious abt my trip,
but errrr,
im dying to share a bit!!

Phuket is fun, especially with the right company.
Going to a country where 90% of the people thinks we are rich person,
and cant understand what we are mumbling about,
its super fun.

i also dont understand why,
but B keeps communicating with the Thais as if he is speaking to Malays. 
i wonder what is he holding up in his big brain.

this time round i chose to play sports adventure instead of snokerling.
we did ATV and water rafting.
tho my menses came on that day, i still enjoyed the activities nevertheless!
tho B peng from his ATV, he still participated in all the sports we planned.
*thums up*

to compare,
Redang was a better place for sight seeing,
and errrr, to relax and enjoy.
But, i will still visit Phuket again for PhiPhi and James Bond Island.
Who's up? (:

hope my november leave can be approve.
i wanna go TAIWAN with my FAMILY!!

Phuket and Redang down.
Tioman is next.
anyone wants to come with us?

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