Tuesday, January 5

if you were to do a seach on www.dictionary.com,
you will come to understand the meaning of this word:

Meaning as follows:


1. the act of coming together : a chance to meeting in the park
2. an assembly or conference of persons for a specific purpose:
a ten o'clock business meeting.

i don't know if any of you have the same thinking as me:
somewhere down the road,
people tend to forget the REAL meaning of meeting,
maybe selectively, who knows?
and somehow drifted to another meaning.

Personally in my dctionary,
i can courageously spell my own meaning of "Meeting" as below:

1. the day where colleagues sit together with LESSER colleagues not in the office.
2. an assembly or conference of persons to get attack
and keep their mouth SHUT upon being attacked.

upon revealing my meaning of "Meeting" to you,
I'm sure you are aware what can just dropped on me.
So yar.
I have a number of scars of my back now..
are you good in stitching? (:

of course.
all above mentioned is my own theory.
obviously it doesn't have to relates to you in anyway!

Therefore "Meetings",
i anxiously awaits you! (:

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