Tuesday, August 17

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo-ed.
the deepest impression i have,
is the most hatred thing that i destest on earth:
girl being raped by OLD and SICKENING man!
i really feel like killing that guy tho i know its just a show.
i hate it.
i hate the aftermath feeling i have everytime i come across any rape scene!

storyline is kinda interesting,
if you are above 21,
its worth a catch.
its kinda interesting and... weird?

Liar Game: The final Stage-ed.
i did not watch the part 1,
hence i dont think my rating would be the same as those who watched?
im not sure.
i would say,
its quite funny? and errrrr, seducing?
seducing as it keeps one interested and DYING to know whos the real X.

But B mentioned something:
"Abit lame loh. Akiyama just anyhow called the guy X,
then they real X really call himself X."
which is quite true?

another thing is,
 i realise this is one of the very few movie,
 that the actors and actresses only have 1 set of costume.
so budget right?
but i think about it clearly,
cos they setup is super super grand!

 i see some similiarities, did you too?


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