Sunday, July 12

i have this fetish for Mr Men & Little Miss since i was a kid.
i rmb myself being damn jealous over those kids,
who are able own a story book of Mr Men & Little Miss of themselves.
i was never rich enough to get myself one.

i also rmb someone, a good friend of mine,
can't recall was it in Primary or Secondary school,
bought me some of Mr Men & Little Miss books just to make me happy.
but now,
my brother had took it and made it his own.

i logged on to facebook and was AMAZED to see irene sending me a gift.
it was none others but the Mr Men & Little Miss "gift".
I happily accepted it and publish it on my profile,
so i can admire it everytime i log on to facebook! *laugh*

as days pass by,
i WAITED patiently for more Mr Men & Little Miss's gifts to come in.
But to my disappointment..
i've got NONE!

i decided to be more like the new era lady!
i BRAVELY post this request on my facebook..
Justine Wang yearns for Mr Men & Little Miss

i still recieve NOTHING!!

therefore today,
i decided to make myself happy,
i MASS send and unlock the Mr Men & Little Miss gifts to my friends,
so that i can achieve this below! (:

until this happens..


i have the half way collection. *winks*

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