Wednesday, January 7

a brand new start of the new..
a brand new start of everything!! (:

to all my dearly friends out there:

im realy hoping that you guys can stay far far away from EMO-NESS
as it kills badly!
i hope that you guys can realy find your happiness somewhere in this horizon.
don think that its the end of the world alright?
everything happens for a reason..
he/she leaving you might be the perfect reason for you to meet someone BETTER.
and i meant MUCH MORE BETTER! (:

it takes time to heal..
every human beings knows that simple logic.
i believe you too..
just that some part of you purposly chose to forget this fact. (:

its alright.
i'll be here all the way till you are ready to move on.

jiayou jiayou jiayou.

with love,
justine. (: (: (:

shen, im sorry that i did not managed to squeeze time to meet you b4 u enlist.
i'll wait till you are out anyway. (:
*why does it sounds like gf waiting for bf? -__-*

egghead aka qixian, good luck to you!
hope that ur enlistment would be a total SMOOTH parcel in ur life.
lets meet up with jeff soon. (:

im tired.
i need my bed..

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