Sunday, September 7

while i was my way to work just now..
my mind wondered me to the times when i was hafing my attachment at
Singapore Sports Council .

thinking of those times..
only fear and terrifying moments can be recalled.
apart from the times with darling during lunch and jogging on track.
i remembered how the office looked like..
i remembered how the colleagues there were..
i remembered the one and only canteen there!
i remembered how did me and darling bit on our lips for those hard times to passed.
i remembered how me and darling helped each other how just to finish and complete the whole damn attachment thing!
i also remembered how darling's supervisor caught a bird while me and darling laughed our ass outs.
i also remembered how my supervisor scolded me till my tears kept rolling like no ones business..
and of cos i remembered how stunted darling was when tears rolled down my cheeks on the bus ..
and how she consoled me with her great smile.

thinking of these..
she had never failed to bring a smile on me when i was down.
she WAS always there.

she woke me up every morning for lesson. without fail!
she accompanied me to the ladies everytime even if she dont need to go.
she sat lonely-ly in the classes whenever i ponned lesson.
she pulled me along for ALL the exams i had in NGEE ANN POLY.
she drove late train with me. drank coffee with me. fooled with me during those long nights.
she bought me fruits tarts when she read that i was craving for it.
she bought me oreo cookies and HL choc milk during attachment when she knew my supervisor was giving a hard time.
and the list will go on and on..

how can i find another darling?
she IS irreplaceable.

where are you darling?
you had seems to disappeared totaly from my life..
where are you hiding?

anyone saw my darling?
her name is Juay Shu Hua.

taken on the 1st day of attachment as SSC

if you do see her.. please tell her that i miss her deeply. =(
and im dieing for her to be back to my life..
just like the past.

thank you people. =(


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